What type of student would you host?

Most of the students are French or German speaking and are placed by their local government as part of a bi-lingual programme. The students must achieve certain grades to participate and are seen to be ambassadors of their country and school leading to a good experience for all.

The main programme is entering its fourth successful year in England with students studying locally since September 2017, with students studying for one year at the age of 16/17 years old. Local feedback about the programme can be gained through the school.

In all cases an assessment is made about the best school for each student to attend and so the students are already happy about the area and school they are going to attend.

Students are generally very driven students. They have chosen to live away from their parents for the study period. They normally have many interests and we will help get them involved in the activities they enjoy locally so that they can make lots of like-minded English friends.

We take time to place students with similar interests to the family’s where possible to help a good relationship develop. We approach you about the student that we feel is right for you and you accept based on the profile we’ve created from the application process. You will then have at least two months to get to know your student via email, phone and Skype before they travel to England. This is an important time for both the student and the host family.

Find out ...

...what is expected of you as a host family. more>>

What type of student?